Friday, 2 January 2015

2014 Highlights

Happy New Year All!

What a year! For me, 2014 started off by thinking it would be a good idea to walk uptown to see the fireworks (in stockings and heels naturally). It today is known as the night Kyle and I got stranded uptown in minus degree weather, only to bribe a cab driver $60 to take us home. We of course did NOT do that again this year:). 

Hmm 2014, well I had my very first mouse in my very own apartment, in the middle of nowhere, so that was cute. I mastered the art of mixed nut cracking with a hammer, as I could not afford an actual nut cracker. And I got pulled over by the police for avoiding pot holes. I became a vegetarian, and later a vegan, went on a million beautiful hikes, explored Iceland with my love, and have given up on people and things that do not make me happy. 


  Im not one for resolutions, but do enjoy goals. Therefore my goal for 2015 will be continuing to only do things, and be with people, that truly make me feel alive. 

If this last year taught me one thing, it would be to follow your heart and to do what makes you happy, and to not just settle. I've learned that happiness and success are not measured by money, but by the way you feel at the end of the day, and by the ones you have by your side. I would rather work some silly job and go home to my beautiful boyfriend every night, then to be away from the ones I love for days on end. I am so thankful for this.

Here's to 2015 friends! And here's to not taking life to seriously, and enjoying it every step of the way!

New Years Photos by Kyle Hanson Photography

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